Brow Lift Treatment Using V Soft Lifting PDO Threads

- Uses 4 barb star lifting threads, 21g x 60mm sharp tip cannula
- Your in office cost – $150
- Patient Fee – $800 – $1500 per treatment
- Treatment time – 20 minutes
- Number of Treatments – 1
- Results lasting up to 6 months
Table of Contents
Brow Lift Treatments – Your options and what you need to know!
As time goes by, we can accumulate ‘frown lines’ –those annoying little wrinkles on our foreheads. While they start off subtle, in time they can become more pronounced and add a bit of severity to our faces that is definitely not welcome!
Thankfully, Brow lift treatments have long been an ally in our war against time and these days, you’ve got an amazing amount of options! Today we’re going to talk about brow lift treatments so that you’ll know what those options are, how long the procedures take, and more.
We’ll cover surgical versus non-surgical treatments, including a special section on PDO brow lifts, as this is the most popular option today. If you’re ready, then let’s talk about brow lift treatments – your options and what you need to know!
Learn more about the before and after of the Brow Lift PDO Thread Treatment
What is a brow lift treatment?
A brow lift treatment is simply a procedure that is designed to help smooth out wrinkles and to lift the brow, so that a more youthful appearance is achieved and so that emotional expression is normalized. What we mean by the latter part is that one of the unfortunate side-effects of frown lines is that people sometimes think that you are sad or angry when that’s not the case.
The good news is that this is quite manageable, although you’ll need to make a decision as to which treatment is right for you. With that in mind, let’s look at your options so that you’ll have a better idea of what each one provides and what to expect.
Brow lift Treatment – Surgical vs non-Surgical options
In the sections below we will tell you a little about the most popular surgical and non-surgical options for a brow lift procedure. Keep in mind that this is not a comprehensive list – in the interest of space, we’re just covering the most popular – but this will provide you with a good foundation to make an informed decision.
Surgical brow lift treatments
There are a number of surgical brow lift techniques that are available if one wishes to go the surgical route. The 3 most popular options are as follows:
- Classic/Coronal/Open brow lift
- Endoscopic lift
- Limited incision technique
We’ll take a look at each of these options so that you can see what the procedures entail, the expected recovery time, and how long results will typically last with these techniques. After that, we’ll compare them to the non-surgical options so that you’ll have a proper contrast.
Classic/Coronal/Open brow lift
Referred to as a Classic, Coronal, or Open brow lift, the names change but the procedure is the same. The surgeon makes a continuous incision which stretches from ear to ear across the coronal area of the forehead so that the muscle may be exposed and the skin trimmed and tightened. This cut will often follow the hairline and as the procedure does not damage hair follicles, any minor scarring may be easily hidden by the subsequent hair growth.
This procedure takes approximately 2 hours to perform and the initial cut and bruising should heal within 10 to 14 days. Results from this procedure may last anywhere from 10 to 15 years or even a little longer.
Endoscopic lift
With an endoscopic lift, a surgeon makes tiny ¾ inch incisions just behind the patient’s hairline. A small camera, attached to a tool called an ‘endoscope’ allows the doctor to cleverly manipulate muscle and facial tissue in order to elevate the brow. While still a surgical option, this is much less invasive than the classic lift, and the procedure takes about an hour or an hour and a half to perform.
The results from this lift last from 5 to 7 years and any bruising from the procedure usually heals within 1 week and the patient may return to work as early as 7 to 10 days from the time of their treatment.
Limited incision technique
Also known as the ‘short scar facelift”, the limited incision technique is a hybrid of the classic and endoscopic lifts which is specifically done to target crow’s feet, rather than wrinkles on the forehead. The camera is not employed in this procedure, with the tiny incisions being made to allow the surgeon to manipulate the muscle and tissue needed for this directed approach for wrinkles around the eyes.
The procedure itself usually takes around 2 hours to perform, with recovery time falling between 7 days to 2 weeks, and results last for 5 to 7 years, on average.
Non-Surgical Brow lift treatments
If you prefer something less-invasive, there are definitely no shortage of options. The most popular is a PDO thread lift and we’ll give that one it’s own section so that you can learn a little more about it, but in this section we’ll detail other non-invasive options for brow lift procedures:
- Chemical brow lift
- Dermal fillers
- Ultherapy
- Thermage and Thermage FLX
Chemical brow lift
The chemical brow lift is an option that is accomplished with botulinum or abotulinum toxin, more commonly known as ‘Botox’ and ‘Dysport’. The way that it works is that the doctor will inject the chosen toxin so that it will affect the corrugator, orbicularis oculi, and procerus muscles by relaxing them. Once they’re relaxed, muscles such as the frontalis which function to pull the brow up are then allowed to work unhindered by the other muscles.
The procedure and recovery are quick – with a half hour clinic visit being the standard time spent for the procedure and recovery is immediate, although the patients are typically advised not to rub the injected areas for a day or two, in order to prevent unintended migration of the toxin to other portions of the face. The effects of a chemical brow lift will range from 3 to 7 months
Dermal fillers
Also known as a ‘liquid brow lift’, a dermal filler brow lift uses filler materials, such as hyaluronic acid, in order to shape and to raise the brow. The effect is a bit more pronounced than a chemical lift, so it is often a good choice when dealing with more severe instances of drooping of the brow or hooding of the patient’s eyes.
A dermal filler treatment will usually take 15 to 30 minutes to perform and while you can go back to work immediately, it’s usually recommended that you avoid heavy activity for 24 to 48 hours. This will help to ensure that the fillers settle correctly. The results from this treatment may last anywhere from 6 months to a little over a year.
Ultherapy may be used for brow lifting treatments and these techniques involve the use of ultrasound and heat energies, which is employed to stimulate collagen growth in the affected areas. A single ultherapy treatment itself takes around 30 minutes to 1 hour and while some improvement will be seen immediately, the full results of the procedure may not be apparent for 3 to 6 months.
This makes sense, as you are stimulating collagen production, and these things take time. Results from this treatment may last 1 to 5 years, although your doctor will be able to give a more accurate estimate as there are many factors involved.
Thermage and Thermage FLX
Thermage is a method that employs radio frequency in order to generate heat in collagen-producing layers of the skin and this may be used for brow lifts and many other skin treatments. The sessions are short – typically 30 to 60 minutes to perform the procedure – and the results may last for 6 to 9 months before additional treatment will be required.
PDO brow lift
The most popular non-surgical option for a brow lift procedure is called a ‘PDO Brow lift’ and as the procedure usually takes just 30 minutes to perform, it’s often been called a ‘lunchtime lift’!
During this procedure, polydioxanone surgical threads are carefully placed by your doctor which will lift and hold the muscles to help smooth out wrinkle lines immediately, but there’s a lot more to it than that. The PDO threads themselves will stimulate collagen production for the entire time that they are in place, so that the skin will have a more youthful glow that improves as time goes by.
As far as the bottom line, the treatment lasts for 1 to 3 years, depending on the threads that you use (and we’ll tell you more about this in the next section). As far as recovery time, usually any swelling will disappear within 24 to 48 hours, although you’ll be advised to avoid heavy lifting for 2 weeks.
It’s easy to see why this is the most popular option – it’s non-invasive, long-lasting, and it gives both instant results and marked improvement over time. The trick to keeping those results for as long as possible is all about choosing the right threads – and VSoft lift PDO threads are the best on the market!
The right threads make all the difference – Insist on VSoft Lift PDO threads!
With a VSoft PDO thread brow lift, a 21g x 60mm barb star threads are put into place in order to lift and hold the brow so that wrinkles disappear and the collagen production can begin. You can actually see the procedure being performed on VSoft lift’s webpage by clicking this link.
As you can see, it’s quick and painless, and provides immediate results, but insisting on VSoft lift threads gives you enhanced benefits with your procedure. Here are just a few examples:
- Increased tensile strength – VSoft lift PDO threads are 10 to 20 times stronger than any other threads on the market, which makes them the PDO thread of choice in clinics worldwide. With increased tensile strength, your results last longer and less threads are required for a procedure, leading to faster recovery time.
- Skin rejuvenation – Vsoft PDO threads produce the highest level of biostimulation, so collagen production will be maximized. At the subdermal layer of the skin, they also help to induce natural lipolysis, so that fatty pockets may be reduced naturally for the entire time that the threads are present.
- FDA–approved – Vsoft PDO threads are FDA-approved and produced by the largest manufacturer of PDO threads in the world. They’re the best PDO threads available on the market today!
While you could certainly use any standard PDO thread and enjoy results for up to a year, VSoft’s quality PDO threads can help you to keep your results for as long as 3 years and the collagen stimulation and lipolysis benefits will be working their magic the whole time!
If you would like to learn more about VSoft quality PDO threads, then be sure to check out their thread injector’s brochure. This information is great for physicians who provide PDO thread treatments or for patients who would like to learn more about VSoft lift and what they can do to enhance your PDO lift results.
Some final words on Brow lift treatments
Today we’ve talked about Brow lifts and covered the surgical and non-surgical options so that you can make an informed decision on what’s right for you. While surgery certainly provides the longest-lasting results, not everyone is keen on an invasive procedure that involves cutting skin and tissues.
It’s understandable – with non-invasive options, you don’t have to have surgery at all, and of those options, a PDO Brow lift with quality threads such as VSoft lift can give you up to 3 years of fantastic results!
When you consider that all it takes is a 30-minute clinic visit and quality threads like VSoft lift, then it’s one of the easiest and most rewarding decisions you’ll ever have to make!
Glassan Plastic Surgery; “THE BENEFITS OF A LIMITED-INCISION FACELIFT”; “The Nonsurgical Brow-Lift: Pleasing Patients and Diversifying Practices”
Cosmetic Skin Clinic; “NON-SURGICAL BROW LIFT”
Dr. Imber; “Limited incision Facelift”
Mirabile MD; “Ultherapy: The 30-Minute Brow Makeover”
Advanced Life Clinic; “How Long Do the Effects of Ultherapy Last?”