Snatched Jawline Lift Treatment
Jawline PDO Threads from V Soft Lift

- Uses 6 – V Soft Lift Lifting PDO Threads Size 19G x 90MM
- Your in office cost – $140
- Patient Fee – $950 – $1250 per treatment
- Treatment time – 15 minutes
- Number of Treatments – 1
- Results lasting 12 – 24 months
- Before and after:
Table of Contents
Medically reviewed by: Elizabeth Williams RN
Updated: 7/15/2024
The Snatched Jawline Lift: How Can You Attain Jawline Definition?
The jaw is one of the most noticeable features on the human face. Whether a jawline is considered “strong” or “soft,” for example, can intimate different things.
A strong jawline is often associated with someone looking like they are a decisionmaker, while a softer jawline that’s sharpened can evoke feelings and thoughts that are related to being ideally beautiful.
The shape and look of a jawline is something that everyone notices.
Yet, as time passes, the same jawline definition that we used to enjoy could fade away.
Today, there’s a procedure that can help you regain the definition that you’ve either lost or are missing, or one you’d simply like to create for yourself. It’s called the Snatched Jawline Lift treatment, and it’s becoming increasingly popular.
Below, we’ll outline all the details of this procedure, including its pros and cons, as well as the most popular method that uses PDO threads and the tools that make it all possible.
Whether you’re a physician or a patient, the details we present below will appeal to you.
Let’s dive deeper into everything you need to know about the Snatched Jawline treatment and why everyone is talking about it.
Why is the Snatched Jawline Procedure So Popular?
While the name of the procedure, “Snatched Jawline,” sounds exotic and intricate, it actually just refers to a jawline that’s well-defined. Instead of typical plump curves, the procedure refers to tight skin and razor-sharp angles around your jawline.
In an ideal scenario, you’ll be able to see your jawlines that stretched around to the back of your neck. The skin here will be tight, helping to make your face to be more well-defined, which projects both strength and beauty. It’s this description of a face that inspired so many statues from the Roman times.
The Snatched Jaw procedure has been around for a couple years now, but really took off in popularity thanks to social media. People have posted about their displeasure with their current jawlines and their happiness with the results of the procedure.
People have been ultra-focused on their jawline because a well-defined jawline is something that everyone notices. So, even during the pandemic — when people were forced to spend more time indoors — a person’s jawline was still noticeable, thanks to the video chats that became so popular.
As such, demand for the Snatched Jawline treatment has really taken off in the last few years. A sculpted jawline has always been considered a classic look, and will literally never get old.
The Different Options for a Snatched Jawline
There are multiple ways that people can get a Snatched Jawline procedure. Some are surgical while others are non-surgical. Below, we’ll take a look at both options, as well as dive deeper into the non-surgical options, which are much preferred by patients due to their impressive results and significantly shorter recovery period.
Surgical Snatched Jawline
If you want to go the surgical route to obtain a more defined jawline, there are really three options — liposuction1, buccal fat pad removal2 and (in extreme cases) surgical bone shaving3.
The first two options remove fat from the area of the jawline to give it a more defined look. Liposuction procedures are considered less invasive, and they have recovery periods that usually last one to two weeks, compared to about three weeks for buccal fat pad removal. They are both surgical procedures, though.
Surgical bone shaving would be considered extreme. The procedure involves shaving off parts of the bone in your jaw so that the size of your face isn’t as big as it once was. This procedure is chosen if you have a jawline that’s too strongly defined or when you have bony growths.
The recovery period for this procedure is usually much longer, and it’s much more invasive as well.
Non-Surgical Snatched Jawline
Luckily, there are non-surgical options to get a Snatched Jawline. These procedures don’t involve full-fledged surgery, but rather alternative options that are less invasive and, as a result, have a much shorter recovery time frame.
This smaller recovery period is crucial, because there’s no hiding the fact that something was done to your face after you’ve had a procedure. In addition, these non-surgical options all provide amazing results as well, plus they’re not permanent.
Below are some of the different ways you can achieve a non-surgical Snatched Jawline procedure.
Botox has become an extremely popular procedure that people use to improve the look of their face. Botox is an injectable that works to reduce the movement of parts of your face.4
It can be used for a number of treatments, including to reduce wrinkles and improve the shine of your skin. Injections are quick and easy with very little recovery time, though they typically need to be repeated about every three or four months.
Coolsculpting involves freezing fat cells and then flushing them out of your body. It has a fairly quick recovery period, with your jaw being sore for only about a day or two.
The treatment is great because it rids your body of fat cells. However, you may not notice changes from the treatment for many weeks.
You can obtain a more sculpted look from your jaw with dermal fillers as well. These fillers are used in a number of different applications today, perhaps most famously in lips. In terms of the jaw, fillers can be used to define a separation between your neck and face.
It takes about an hour or so to complete the procedure, and the recovery time afterwards is about two to three days. There are some potential side effects of the treatment that you should be aware of, though they are rare.
Some patients are actually allergic to the filler, which means they shouldn’t do this procedure at all. You may also experience bumps that are like acne, discoloration of your skin, sensitivity and an appearance that is asymmetrical.
The results from some fillers might only last for six to 12 months, though some more robust ones may last between two and five years.
To address submental fat beneath your chin, you could turn to Kybella. This injectable, which is approved by the FDA, is designed to neutralize fat cells. The procedure is permanent, but there are some caveats.5
There is about a month recovery time to Kybella procedures, which of course is one major downside. You also might need multiple treatments of Kybella for you to achieve the desired results.
PDO Threads
All of the above options are decent, but the best non-surgical option for a Snatched Jawline is hands-down PDO threads. This treatment takes only about 15 to 30 minutes to complete and is completely non-invasive.
Naturally-dissolvable surgical sutures, called PDO threads, are carefully inserted in the skin to tighten it and remediate sagging. This allows the jawline to appear tighter and more well-defined.
In addition to the very minimally-invasive nature of the procedure, a huge advantage of PDO threads is that the results can last between 18 and 24 months, depending on the quality of the threads that are used as well as the skill of the practitioner.
In time, your body will naturally dissolve the PDO threads. And this has a great side benefit — it helps your body to stimulate the production of collagen, which improves the overall look and health of your face. This contributes to the long-term positive effects of PDO threads procedures, which is something the other non-surgical options don’t provide.
VSoft Threads are the Best in the Business
Patients who are considering getting a Snatched Jawline procedure that uses PDO threads should strongly consider practitioners that are not only trustworthy but who also use PDO threads provided by VSoft Lift. The company is the leader in the industry, providing FDA-approved PDO threads that are double-cleared for markets in Europe and the United States.
You can see a detailed PDF on all of the threads the company provides in the VSoft Injector manual by clicking here.
If you’re looking for a general idea of how they work, VSoft’s PDO threads are robust. The results from procedures that use PDO threads from VSoft Lift last for as many as 24 months and provide two levels of other beneficial effects, including …
- Intradermal: Placed intradermally via an included cannula, the VSoft PDO threads help to stimulate the production of collagen, as well as contribute to an enhanced metabolism and blood flow in the treated area.
- Subdermal: In the adipose tissue at the subdermal level, VSoft threads stimulate the natural lipolysis in the fat.
VSoft Lift provides specific threads for a Snatched Jawline lift, known as VSoft Lift’s Snatched Jawline Treatment threads. These threads are 19G by 90MM in size. Visit the link provided so you can see a video of the procedure being performed.
PDO Threads are the Best Option for a Snatched Jawline Treatment
A Snatched Jawline treatment can literally change your life, and the best way to get this procedure is with PDO threads. Having a well-defined jawline can make a huge difference in your life, from how you appear and how you’re viewed in video chats, in-person meetings, social engagements and at work.
If you’re considering a Snatched Jawline, it’s important to explore all of your possibilities. However, the best option hands-down is a procedure that uses PDO threads provided by VSoft Lift.
As described in detail above, VSoft Lift’s Snatched Jawline Treatment threads are minimally-invasive, don’t take a lot of time, have a very short recovery period and produce amazing results that last a while.
Make sure that you choose a practitioner who is trustworthy and who uses PDO threads provided by VSoft Lift. Doing so will ensure that you get the best results from the procedure, including the long-term benefits that increased collagen stimulation will provide.
Physicians and practitioners who are looking to learn more about the PDO threads that VSoft Lift provides should click this line here. Not only does VSoft Lift provide best-in-class PDO threads, but we provide world-class training on how to use the products we create — sometimes, even with one of our trainers visiting your office.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us today.