PDO Thread for Lip Lift Treatments

Vermillion Border Lip Outline Treatment Using V Soft Lift Smooth PDO Threads

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Medically reviewed by: Elizabeth Williams RN
Updated: 5/21/2024

PDO Thread for Lips – 40+ Years of versatile monofilament perfection

Back in the day, rejuvenation procedures didn’t come in a lot of flavors – basically, you were getting a surgical lift. An incision would be made directly underneath the nose, allowing the surgeon to remove a strip of one’s facial tissue, so that a 3–5-millimeter lift of the lip could be sutured into place to restore a youthful, elevated smile.

While noninvasive options were being developed, what they really needed to be perfect was a smooth, strong thread that would allow doctors to simply tighten your lips, rather than cutting and repositioning them. In the late 1990s PDO thread for lips was put to the task and the results were nothing short of amazing – a noninvasive lip thread lift that would become known and loved around the world!

Today we’re going to tell you a little about these fantastic threads. We’ll talk about the Vermillion Lip Border Outline treatment, give you a little history on PDO threads and their development, and tell you about modern PDO thread for lifts such as VSoft Lift and how they work.  

If you’re considering a non-invasive rejuvenation with PDO threads involved, then read on and find out what you need to know. We’ll give you a hint – there’s a reason these wonder threads have been a medical staple for over 40 years!

Learn more about the before and after for the lip border treatment

What is a Vermillion Border Lip Outline Treatment?

Let’s face it – medical terminology is usually a little confusing and sometimes doesn’t even sound very nice. For instance, if you have a hard callous on your foot, it’s called a ‘heloma durum’, while a soft callous there would be a ‘heloma molle’. Not the most appealing terms, to say the least.

It’s interesting to note, however, that when it comes to the lips, even the terminology that is used is beautiful and shows how much the world reveres the most intimate and expressive parts of our faces.

When you hear the term ‘Vermillion Border’, this just refers to the red margins of your upper and lower lip, and it’s often a term used with another lovely one called ‘Cupid’s bow’, which simply defines the top portion of your lip that ideally makes a natural, perfect bow shape. 

Now that you know what the Vermillion Border is, what is a Vermillion Border Lip Outline treatment? Well, this is simply a popular non-surgical procedure that is used to rejuvenate your lips to give them the tightness and sure contours that they had in youth.

It’s not a ‘plumping’ treatment like lip fillers. With a VBLO, your doctor takes small and dissolvable PDO thread for lips and uses them to smooth and tighten up existing lines. This results in finer definition and enhancement of your Cupid’s bow just below your nose and helps to restore the youthful curves in both the upper and lower lip.    

The results can be breathtaking and when you consider that 15 minutes of the 30 – 35 minute procedure is simply waiting for the anesthesia to work its magic, it’s easy to understand why the Vermillion Border Lip Outline treatment is well-known and loved across the world.

A brief history of the Lip Thread Lift treatment and PDO thread for lips

While we tend to take technology for granted these days, innovations such as lightweight, durable suturing threads came about out of definite necessity and the ‘threads of yesteryear’ simply weren’t refined enough for something as delicate and effective as a Vermillion Border Lip Outline treatment.

To understand a little about the love and heavy refinement that produced top-notch modern products such as Vsoft LIFT PDO threads, we need to take a look at their humble origins back in the 90’s – which were simply called ‘contour threads’.

Contour threads – A quick trip to the 1990s

When the worst happens, you want a doctor that’s not only well-educated, but innovative enough to get creative when the technology of the time simply wasn’t up to the task at hand. One such doctor is a plastic surgeon by the name of Gregory Ruff, who was tasked with helping the victim of a car accident who had sustained a crushed cheek.

It was definitely a nightmare scenario, but the clever doctor had an idea and it worked like a charm. By cutting notches by hand in surgical sutures of the day to create one-directional barbs, he was able to improve their hold, allowing him to craftily suture them into place and use them much like a ‘sling’ to move the patient’s cheek back into a proper position to heal.

He was pleased enough with the results that he used his makeshift threads for a number of other procedures before deciding that they would be perfect for cosmetic, non-invasive lifts, and by 2004 the clear, specially-barded sutures hit the market as ‘Contour threads’.

Aptos threads – Lifting like it’s 1999

Dr. Ruff wasn’t the only one interested in developing a non-invasive lift and if we travel back in time to 1999, a Doctor by the name of Marlen Sulamanidze was about to develop some innovative threads of his own. Dr. Sulamanidze’s new sutures were marketed as ‘Aptos threads’, combining the words ‘against’ with ‘ptosis’, which was a fancy medical term for ‘sagging’.

What set this doctor’s threads apart from Contour threads was a little bit of tweaking to their design. Instead of a one-directional barb, Aptos threads were bidirectional and also blue, instead of being transparent.  

They were popular but both Contour and Aptos threads had their limitations. While they could indeed be used for a noninvasive lip thread lift, these sutures could not be naturally absorbed by the human body, and they were difficult to put into place. This meant that there was a possibility of unsightly ‘skin bunching’ and sometimes they would even protrude. 

The procedure for the lift was sound and the sutures being used were clever, but they just weren’t ideal until surgeons in Korea had a real game-changer of an idea – why not use PDO threads for the lifts?

PDO thread – 2010 until NOW

The most genius innovations often employ a solution that was hiding right under our noses the whole time and a material called polydioxanone is a great example of this. Developed in 1982, this mono-filament suture was both synthetic and the FIRST fully-absorbable suture around!

Not only did it dissolve, but the thin monofilament was easier to put into place, minimized the chances of tissue reactivity, and significantly lowered the chances of infection. Now, when we say it’s absorbable, we really mean it – these sutures naturally dissolve within 4 to 6 months, courtesy of your own immune system. 

It gets even better – these sutures help to stimulate the production of collagen, thickening the skin so that it heals firmly and smoothly, providing a lift that can last as long as 12 – 15 months. All this from a 30-minute procedure?


Before it had been put to this use, Korean plastic surgeons realized that this material –already being used by Trauma, Cardiothoracic, and OB-GYN doctors for well-nigh 30 years — was the final piece of the puzzle for the perfect, non-invasive, and long-lasting lift.

How successful was it? You can tell by the name that this procedure picked up in Korea that spread around the world. 

They called it ‘the Sugar Lift’.

What are modern PDO threads for lips like and how do they work?

Fast-forwarding from our plastic surgery history lesson into today we have modern PDO threads, such as the Vsoft LIFT, which deliver a lightweight, durable performance that makes our modern medical miracles such as noninvasive lip lifts possible. That’s not all that they are used for, however, as these threads are also employed for:

  • Neocollagenesis stimulation for long-term production of collagen
  • Immediate structural skin rejuvenation 
  • Tightening and improved texture

The monofilament material polydioxanone is small enough that it allows for careful, focused sizing, making it ideal for various useful applications. ‘Size matters’, as they say, and we’ll prove it in the case of polydioxanone threading application. Here’s a quick look at what a difference of a few millimeters and lightweight grams can make:

  • 29g x 30mm  – The most versatile size, this 30mm Vsoft PDO thread lift monofilament is ideal for the lips and the entirety of the rest of the face! This can be used for necklace lines, unsightly acne scars, and yes – the Vermillion border.
  • 31g x 30mm – This heavier 30mm is a robust option for all of the face, the neck, and the rest of the body. It can be used for necklace lines and acne scars, but it’s also ideally suited for eyebrow lifts and for the Vermillion Border. 
  • 29g x 40mm – At 40mm, this thread is a little more specialized, but still quite versatile. It’s good for the neck, body, and all of the face. Like the 30mm, it’s an excellent choice for the remediation of necklace lines and acne scars.  
  • 27g x 50mm – A favorite for skin rejuvenation, this 27g 50mm Vsoft LIFT PDO helps to stimulate long-term collagen production and is optimal for use on the body and especially for the cheek and the jawline.
  • 29g x 50mm – This heavier 50mm provides the same benefits as the 27g variety, but is a more robust suturing option when added support is required. 

The threads that bind us – Vsoft LIFT PDO sutures bring the science that makes the ‘magic’ possible

The perfect balance of form and function required for procedures such as the Vermillion Border Lip Outline treatment would simply not be viable without the refined addition of lightweight, versatile polydioxanone monofilament threads.

It’s a ‘wonder thread’ when you really think about it and now that you know that it’s made amazing procedures not only possible but commonplace, then why not go with the best? 

Visit VSOFT today at https://vsoftthreads.com/product/smooth/ and download our free doctor’s brochure to learn more about this quality PDO thread for lifts. 

It’s an amazing time to live in, especially with products such as Vsoft LIFT making cosmetic enhancement accessible to everyone who likes the idea of turning back the clock and enjoying the natural beauty of youth for just a little bit longer – and really… who doesn’t want THAT?

Find out more about V Soft LIFT and their product line here.



Mental Floss; “21 Fancy medical terms for mundane problems”


National Human Genome Research Institute; Basic lip anatomy reference material for ‘vermillion Border’, ‘Cupid’s Bow’, etc.


Optima Dermatology; basic PDO research


Radial Centre; “History of Thread lifting (and PDO threads)


Aesthetic Clinique, Assorted Thread lift and PDO research material


Academic Alliance in Dermatology; Assorted PDO and non-surgical facelift research


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